Dental Care Albania

Dental Surgery

Chirurgia Dentale in Albania


La chirurgia odontoiatria o chirurgia dentale in Albania racchiude interventi come la Rigenerazione ossea mascellare, estrazione di radici


La chirurgia odontoiatria o chirurgia dentale in Albania racchiude interventi come la Rigenerazione ossea mascellare, estrazione di radici

Dentisti in Albania, Turismo Dentale in Albania, Studio Dentistico in Albania, Impianti Dentali in Albania - Dental Care Albania Chirurgia Dentale in Albania - Dental Care Albania
Dentisti in Albania, Turismo Dentale in Albania, Studio Dentistico in Albania, Impianti Dentali in Albania - Dental Care Albania Chirurgia Dentale in Albania - Dental Care Albania

Oral Surgery

Dental Surgery

Dental surgery or oral surgery encompasses all surgical procedures related to the resolution of oral diseases that cannot be cured by pharmaceutical treatments or simple interventions.

Over time, changes in the oral cavity can cause problems related not only to the teeth, but also to the gums and jawbone. Dental surgery performed by specialized dentists can be essential to solve specific problems and may be crucial to avoid future problems related to inflammatory tissue processes, deep caries, and the development of wisdom teeth that can compromise overall oral health.

The goal of dental surgery is to restore oral balance, from the aesthetic and functional point of view.

Main interventions of Dental Surgery and Dental Care?

  • Extraction of periodontopathic teeth: cases where the teeth are destroyed or affected by pyorrhoea, and are irreparably compromised and it will no longer be possible to cure them with alternative therapies.
  • Extraction of roots or impacted teeth or impacted seeds: for example, wisdom teeth that have failed to erupt.
  • Apicectomy: removal of the apex (of the tip) of the tooth root for inflammatory problems, if not curable with endodontics.
  • Cyst removal: it consists of the surgical removal of all those cystic formations that can usually occur on impacted teeth or roots.
  • Bone regeneration: in some cases, in order to be able to insert a dental implant, it is necessary to increase the amount of bone inside the maxillary sinuses which, in order to be raised, require a graft of biocompatible material.

Quali materiali per le corone dentale utilizza Dental Care Albania

Le corone vengono realizzate con diversi materiali, ognuno dotato di proprie specifiche caratteristiche e qualità.


Corona metallo-ceramica Porcellano

Si tratta di una corona composta da 2 materiali: all’interno c’è il metallo – solido e resistente – mentre all’esterno si trova la ceramica. Rapresentano una buona qualità.


Corona zirconio-ceramica Zirconio

Le corone realizzate al zirconio sono molto leggeri, resistenti e hanno un aspetto identico ai denti naturali che assicura una lunga durata alla capsula dentale.

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