Dental Care Albania

Dental Implants

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Dental Implantology

Dental Implants

Oral implantology is that branch of dentistry that allows patients suffering from total or partial loss of dental elements to be fitted with fixed prostheses of excellent aesthetic and functional value, with minimally invasive procedures.

Un impianto dentale è una struttura in titanio progettata per sostituire la radice di un dente naturale mancante. Il titanio è perfettamente biocompatibile; è lo stesso materiale utilizzato per la costruzione di protesi ortopediche.

Gli impianti dentali sono inseriti nell’osso laddove prima c’erano i denti naturali. L’innesto degli impianti dentali è, ad oggi, il metodo più moderno per risolvere i problemi della mancanza dei denti.

In addition we guarantee you the best implantology solutions and a team of specialists at the forefront of oral surgery.

  • A detailed plan of the implant surgery, will be made after the visit with the specialist who will draw up the planning of the implant surgery, the patient will be informed about the whole process.
  • Implant placement is carried out quickly and safely, in a specialized surgical room, under local anesthesia and is completely painless.

  • The procedure takes 15 to 20 minutes; a titanium screw is inserted into the previously chosen gum site, which will be calcifiedwith the bone.

  • The calcification time depends on the complexity and type of surgery as well as the state of the patient's bone, on average it lasts about 3 months, during this time the patient will  put a temporary prosthesis.

  • After the calcification period, the patient will return to the clinic to place the crowns.

In what cases is it possible to proceed with implantology treatment?

Implantology treatments are a possible solution in cases of:


Partial edentulias

Lack of one or more dental elements, this case can be solved with one, two or three implants and a bridge of several elements.


Total Edentulias

Missing the entire dental arch, this case can be resolved with a full arch and 4,6,8 implants depending on the technique used.

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